Use these calculators to help estimate your future savings and expenses, or estimate your benefits through CalSTRS or CalPERS.
403(b) Cost Calculator
This tool was created to help California educators understand the fees and costs associated with 403(b) products in California.
Provided By
403(b) Cost CalculatorEligibility
How To Enroll
CalSTRS Calculator
CalSTRS Calculator: This calculator is provided as a retirement planning tool to help you estimate your future retirement benefit. Calculations are estimates only. If you have any questions, please reach out to CalSTRS member service center at (800) 228-5453.
CalPERS Calculator
CalPERS Retirement Estimate Calculator: The Retirement Estimate Calculator is intended to provide an estimate only. The estimate does not constitute an official CalPERS retirement allowance, nor should it be relied upon as such. Estimates will be based on the information you provide, and are non-binding between you and CalPERS. Your actual retirement allowance, including optional allowances, will be determined by CalPERS after you formally apply for retirement. If you have any questions, please reach out to CalPERS at (888) CalPERS or (888) 225-7377.